Judith beheading holofernes analysis
Caravaggio judith beheading holofernes analysis
Judith beheading holofernes artist.
Judith Beheading Holofernes ()
Quite unlike the anodyne, almost effortless, assault portrayed in Caravaggio's version of the event, Gentileschi creates a far more violent and graphic scene, dramatizing the intense physical effort required on the part of Judith and her maid to kill their enemy, as he fights for his life.
Holfernes' head becomes the brutal focus of the violence, as limbs, sword and blood radiate from it in the vicious struggle. The gruesome physicality of the painting is utterly riveting, with its plunging arms and gripping hands, and the blood-soaked sawing of the blade through spine and gristle of the neck.
Judith beheading holofernes analysis
A masterpiece of murderous action! On a quieter note, the work is also memorable for its rendition of the rich gowns and bed linen, as well as the folds of the different fabrics, and the skin of all three figures. Above all, notice Gentileschi's outstanding use of chiaroscuro which gives real volume to the arms and legs in the picture, and her use