Graham allen mp biography

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    Graham allen mp biography

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  • Nottinghamshire MPs

    Graham Allen MP
    Graham Allen MP
    Constituency : Nottingham North
    Political Party : Labour
    Majority in 2001 : 12,240
    Fact File :
    Joined the party at the age of 18 in 1971.

    His grandfather was a founding member of the Nottingham Labour Party. After University, Graham's early political career was with the GLC in London. He was elected Nottingham North MP in 1987.

    Graham allen mp biography wikipedia

    Has been shadow minister on Social Security, Home Affairs, National Heritage, Transport and Environment. Since Labour came to power he has been Lord Commissioner of HM Treasury (a nice term for a Government whip).

    Geoff Hoon
     Geoff Hoon MP
    Constituency :
    Political Party :
    Majority in 2001 :
    Fact File :
    Born in Derby and educated in Nottingham, Geoff Hoon worked in a furniture factory before studying law at Cambridge.

    A former university lecturer and barrister, he became an MEP for Derbyshire in 1984. Since 1992 he has been MP