Hermann stehr biography of rory

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    Stehr, Hermann 1864-1940

    PERSONAL: Born February 16, 1864, in Habelschwerdt, Poland; died September 14, 1940, in Oberschreiberhau, Silesia; son of Robert (an upholsterer) and Theresa Farber Stehr; married Hedwig Nentwig, 1894.

    CAREER: Novelist, writer of narratives, and poet.

    Schoolteacher in Poland.

    AWARDS, HONORS: Bauernfeld prize, 1907; Fastenrath prize, Real Academia Española, 1911; Schiller prize, 1913; Rathenau prize, 1930; Goethe prize, 1933.


    Auf Leben und Tod: Zwei Erzählungen (title means

    "On Lives and Death"), Fischer (Berlin, Germany), 1898.

    Der Schindelmacher: Novelle (title means "The Schindelmacher"), Fischer (Berlin, Germany), 1899.

    Leonore Griebel: Roman (title means "Leonore Griebel"), Fischer (Berlin, Germany), 1900.

    Das lezte Kind (title means "The Last Child"), Fischer (Berlin, Germany), 1903.

    Meta Konegen: Drama, Fischer (Berlin, Germany), 1904.

    Der begrabene Gott: Roman (title means "The Buried God"), Fischer (Berlin, G