Peter adwok nyaba biography books
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Peter adwok nyaba biography books
South Sudan: Elites, Ethnicity, Endless Wars and the Stunted State
The elites — whether political, military, or economic — constitute a determinant force in state formation and the nation-building project in post-colonial transitions.
The absence of a scientific understanding of the socioeconomic and political configuration of South Sudan has obfuscated the liberation struggle and generated ethnic nationalism and the emergence of a parasitic class that is completely alienated from the masses of the people.
South Sudan, the highly hyped youngest state in Africa and the world, is in a deep social, economic, and political crisis characterised by a low-intensity civil war, immense suffering and material deprivation of the people.
It has internally displaced hundreds of thousands of people who live in “protection of civilian” sites in major towns under the care of United Nations Mission in South Sudan. Three and a half million have crossed international borders to seek refuge in Ugand