Nikolai lenin quotes socialism

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    Lenin Quotes

    The only authentic, sourced list of quotes by Lenin on the Internet.


    The progressive historical role of capitalism may be summed up in two brief propositions: increase in the productive forces of social labour, and the socialisation of that labour.

    Nikolai lenin quotes socialism

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  • Lenin quotes about communism
  • But both these facts manifest themselves in extremely diverse processes in different branches of the national economy.

    Lenin, The Development of Capitalism in Russia, The “The Mission of Capitalism” (1899)


    Perhaps the profoundest cause of disagreement with the Narodniks is the difference in our fundamental views on social and economic processes.

    When studying the latter, the Narodnik usually draws conclusions that point to some moral; he does not regard the diverse groups of persons taking part in production as creators of various forms of life; he does not set out to present the sum-total of social and economic relationships as the result of the mutual relations between these groups, which