Jose clemente orozco autobiography of a flea

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    Jose clemente orozco autobiography of a flea

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  • José Clemente Orozco: An Autobiography

    The artistic eminence of José Clemente Orozco (1883–1949) is such that he has been called “the greatest painter the Americas have produced.” In his Autobiography he also attains literary distinction.

    He is a writer who recounts the history of his period from a personal point of view and yet scarcely mentions himself. He is an observer who writes about the history of his country and of his country’s art, yet makes his own character implicit in the narrative.

    The character that emerges is charming.

    It is that of a man strong but retiring, sharply critical of what he disapproves yet generous in praise of what he admires, decided in his views but modest in his assumptions and given to understatement in describing his own activities, averse to war and political struggle yet eager for conflict of ideas, always dedicated to the welfare of humanity.

    Through the details of day-by-day living, he presents the panorama of the Mexican Revolutio