Diff b/w biography and autobiography anchorage

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  • Diff b/w biography and autobiography anchorage

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    Biography vs. Autobiography: What's the Difference?

    A biography is an account of someone's life written by another person, while an autobiography is an individual's account of their own life.

    Key Differences

    A biography provides insight into an individual's life, detailing their experiences, achievements, and challenges from the perspective of an external author.

    An autobiography, on the other hand, is penned by the individual themselves, offering a firsthand account of their life's journey.

    In a biography, the subject might be anyone, from historical figures and celebrities to unsung heroes, with the narrative voice belonging to the biographer.

    In an autobiography, the subject and the narrator are the same, providing an introspective and personal recounting of life events.

    Research is a key component of biography, where the biographer gathers information from various sources to present an accurate and comprehensive depiction.

    For an autobiography, the author draws f